© February 8, 2021, Christopher D. Carroll Portfolio-Multi-CRRA

CRRA Portfolio Choice with Two Risky Assets

Merton (1969) and Samuelson (1969) study optimal portfolio allocation for a consumer with Constant Relative Risk Aversion utility u (c) =  (1 − ρ )− 1c1 − ρ  who can choose among many risky investment options.

Using their framework, here we study a consumer who has wealth a
  t  at the end of period t  , and is deciding how much to invest in two risky assets with lognormally distributed return factors R     =  (R      ,R      )′
  t+1       1,t+1    2,t+1 ,                                         (                         )′
log  Rt+1  =  rt+1 =  (r1,t+1, r2,t+1 )′ ∼   𝒩 (r1, σ21), (𝒩 (r2, σ22) , with covariance matrix

(    2      )
   σ 1  σ12    .
   σ12  σ22

If the period-t  consumer invests proportion ςi  of at  in risky asset i  , i =  1,2  (so that ς1 = (1 −  ς2)  and vice-versa), spending all available resources in the last period of life1 t +  1  will yield:

c    =  (ς ⋅ R    )a
 t+1    ◟---◝◜t+1◞   t

where Rt+1   is the portfolio-weighted return factor.

Campbell and Viceira (2002) point out that a good approximation to the portfolio rate of return is obtained by

rt+1 =  r1,t+1 + ς2(r2,t+1 −  r1,t+1 ) + ς2(1 −  ς2)η∕2


        2     2
η =  (σ 1 + σ 2 − 2 σ12).

Using this approximation, the expectation as of date t  of utility at date t +  1  is:

                              [(                                    )1− ρ]
                        − 1         r1,t+1 ς2(r2,t+1− r1,t+1)+ ς2(1− ς2)η∕2
𝔼t[u (ct+1 )] ≈ (1 −  ρ )   𝔼t    ate     e
                                                   [                            ]
             ≈ (1 −  ρ )− 1a1− ρe (1− ρ)ς2(1− ς2)η∕2 𝔼 e (r1,t+1+ ς2(r2,t+1− r1,t+1))(1− ρ)
               ◟ -----◝◜----t-◞  -----------------t-----  -----------------------
                  constant < 0  ◟                       ◝ ◜                      ◞
                                              excess return utility factor

where the first term is a negative constant under the usual assumption that relative risk aversion ρ >  1.

Our foregoing assumptions imply that

(1− ρ )(ς r     + ς r     ) ∼  𝒩 ((1 − ρ)(ς r  + ς r ),(1 − ρ)2(ς 2σ2+ ς 2σ2+2  ς ς σ  ))
         1 1,t+1    2 2,t+1                  1  1   2 2            1  1   2  2     1 2 12
(using [LogELogNormTimes      ]  ). With a couple of extra lines of derivation we can show that the log of the expectation in (2) is
       [  (r1,t+1+ς2(r2,t+1− r1,t+1))(1− ρ)]                                     2  2  2    2  2
log 𝔼t  e                             =  (1 −  ρ)(ς1r1 +  ς2r2) +  (1 − ρ ) (ς1σ 1 + ς2σ 2 + 2 ς1ς2σ12))∕2

Substituting from (2) for the log of the expectation in (2), the log of the ‘excess return utility factor’ in (2) is

                                                        2   2   2               2
(1− ρ )ς2(1− ς2) η∕2+  (1− ρ )(r1+ ς2(r2−  r1))+ (ρ − 1) (σ 1+ ς2η+2  ς2(σ12 − σ2))∕2.

The ς  that minimizes this log will also minimize the level; the FOC for minimizing this expression is

(1 −  2ς )η ∕2 +  r  −  r +  (1 −  ρ)(ς η +  (σ   −  σ2 )) = 0
        2          2     1             2        12     1
                                η-                      2
                   (r2 −  r1 +  2 ) + (1 −  ρ)(σ12 −  σ 1) = ρ ης2.


      (                                        )
        r2 −  r1 +  η∕2 +  (1 −  ρ)(σ12 −  σ21)
ς2 =    ---------------------------------------

and note that if the first asset is riskfree so that σ1 =  σ12 =  0  then this reduces to

      (              2   )
ς2 =          ρ σ2

but the log of the expected return premium (in levels) on the risky over the safe asset in this case is                                   2
φ ≡  log R2  ∕R1  =  r2 − r1 +  σ 2∕2  (recalling that we have assumed σ   =  σ2 =  0
 12     1  ), so (4) becomes

     (      )
ς2 =   -----
       ρ σ22

which corresponds to the solution obtained for the case of a single risky asset in Portfolio-CRRA.


   Campbell, John Y., and Luis M. Viceira (2002): Appendix to ‘Strategic Asset Allocation: Portfolio Choice for Long-Term Investors’. Oxford University Press, USA, Available on 2011/01/22 at http://kuznets.fas.harvard.edu/∼ campbell/papers/bookapp.pdf.

   Merton, Robert C. (1969): “Lifetime Portfolio Selection under Uncertainty: The Continuous Time Case,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 51, 247–257.

   Samuelson, Paul A (1963): “Risk and Uncertainty: A Fallacy of Large Numbers,” Scientia, 98(4-5), 108–113.

   Samuelson, Paul A. (1969): “Lifetime Portfolio Selection by Dynamic Stochastic Programming,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 51, 239–46.

   __________  (1989): “The Judgment of Economic Science on Rational Portfolio Management: Indexing, Timing, and Long-Horizon Effects,” The Journal of Portfolio Management, 16(1), 4–12.