© February 7, 2021, Christopher D. Carroll CRRA-RateRisk

Consumption out of Risky Assets

Consider a consumer with CRRA utility whose only available financial asset has a risky return factor ℜℜℜ  which is lognormally distributed, log  ℜℜℜ     ∼  𝒩 (𝔯𝔯𝔯 −  σ2 ∕2,σ2 )
      t+1             r      r  .

With market assets m  , the dynamic budget constraint is:

m     =  (m   − c )ℜℜℜ     .
  t+1       t     t   t+1

Start with the standard Euler equation for consumption under CRRA utility:

          [       (      )   ]
                    ct+1   − ρ
1 =  β 𝔼t   ℜℜℜt+1    -----

and postulate a solution of the form ct =  κmt  :

                  [       (        )    ]
                            κmt+1    − ρ
        1 =  β 𝔼t   ℜℜℜt+1    --------
                  [       (                 )    ]
                            (mt  −  ct)ℜℜℜt+1    − ρ
          =  β 𝔼t   ℜℜℜt+1    -----------------
                  [       (                  ) − ρ]
                            (1 −  κ)mt ℜℜℜt+1
          =  β 𝔼t   ℜℜℜt+1    -----------------
                  [                      − ρ]
          =  β 𝔼t  ℜℜℜt+1  ((1 −  κ )ℜℜℜt+1 )
                       − ρ   [   1− ρ]
          =  β (1 − κ )   𝔼t  ℜℜℜ  t+1

(1 −  κ)ρ =  β 𝔼t [ℜℜℜ1 t+−1 ρ]
             (             )
                      1− ρ  1∕ρ
 (1 −  κ) =    β 𝔼t[ℜℜℜ t+1 ]
                  (            )1 ∕ρ
        κ =  1 −   β 𝔼  [ℜℜℜ1 − ρ]
                       t   t+1

which (finally) yields an exact formula for κ  :

          (             )1∕ρ
κ =  1 −    β 𝔼t[ℜℜℜ1t−+1ρ]     .

Since       1− ρ
log ℜℜℜ t+1 =  (1 −  ρ) log  ℜℜℜt+1   , fact [ELogNormTimes      ]   implies that (using the definition exp (∙) ≡  e∙)  ,

      1− ρ                        2               2  2
𝔼t [ℜℜℜ t+1 ] = exp [(1 − ρ )(𝔯𝔯𝔯 − σ r∕2 ) + (1 −  ρ) σ r∕2 ]
           =  exp [(1 − ρ )𝔯𝔯𝔯 − (1 −  ρ) (σ2∕2 ) + (1 −  ρ)(σ2 ∕2 ) − ρ (1 − ρ )σ2∕2 ]
                                          r                  r                  r
           =  exp [(1 − ρ )𝔯𝔯𝔯 − ρ (1 − ρ )σ2r ∕2].

Substituting in (3):

           1∕ρ     [  (                          2  ) ]1∕ρ
κ =  1 −  β    exp  ρ  (1 ∕ρ −  1)𝔯𝔯𝔯 −  (1 − ρ )σr ∕2
           1∕ρ     [                         2   ]
  =  1 −  β    exp  (1 ∕ρ −  1)𝔯𝔯𝔯 −  (1 − ρ )σr∕2   .

Now use [OverPlus   ]   and [TaylorOne   ]  ,

        (        )1 ∕ρ
β1∕ρ =    ---1---
          1 +  𝜗
              − 1
     ≈  1 −  ρ   𝜗
                 − 1
     ≈  exp (− ρ   𝜗 )

which hold if   − 1
ρ   𝜗  is close to zero. Substituting into (4) and using [ExpPlus   ]   and [LogEps  ]   gives

κ ≈  1 −  (1 + ρ − 1(𝔯𝔯𝔯 − 𝜗) −  𝔯𝔯𝔯 + (ρ −  1)σ2 ∕2 )
  =  𝔯𝔯𝔯 − ρ − 1(𝔯𝔯𝔯 − 𝜗) −  (ρ − 1 )(σ2r∕2 )

which, when σ2  =  0
  r  , reduces to the usual perfect foresight formula            − 1
κ  = 𝔯𝔯𝔯 −  ρ   (𝔯𝔯𝔯 − 𝜗 )  .

This equation implies the plausible result that as unavoidable uncertainty in the financial return goes up (  2
σ r  rises) the level of consumption falls (because ρ >  1  , so − (ρ −  1)  which multiplies σ2
 r  is negative). The reduction in consumption as risk increases reflects the precautionary saving motive.1

The top figure plots the marginal propensity to consume as a function of the coefficient of relative risk aversion (for both the true MPC and the approximation derived above), under parameter values such that 𝜗 −  𝔯𝔯𝔯 ≈ 0  so that a change in ρ  does not affect the MPC through the intertemporal elasticity of substitution channel. As intuition would suggest, as consumers become more risk averse, they save more (the MPC is lower; that is, the plotted loci are downward-sloping).

The other way to see the precautionary effect is to examine the effect on the MPC of a change in risk. For a consumer with relative risk aversion of 3, the bottom figure shows that as the size of the risk increases, the MPC κ  falls.

Relation Between MPC κ  and Parameters
Figure 1:Marginal Propensity to Consume Falls as Relative Risk Aversion ρ  Rises
Figure 2:Marginal Propensity to Consume Falls as Risk σ  Rises
